Artists Statement
My artwork delves into the intricacies of human identity. Combining printing and painting techniques, my work features portraits, calligraphy, geometric and symbolic shapes and layered textures that carry profound meanings tied to the human experience.
Influenced by my own journey as both a counselor and artist, I draw upon untold stories and unspoken messages, reflecting the nuanced transitions in life stages. Through my work, I aim to evoke a dialogue between the viewer & conscious and unconscious mind, encouraging them to explore the hidden beauty in the similarities and contradictions that occur between them.
In this fast-paced modern age, my mission is to offer solace and peace through a profound connection between my art and the essence of human identity. I aim to guide viewers in uncovering and understanding emotions and perspectives they may not have previously recognized within themselves or others. My work invites an ongoing, meaningful engagement with the themes I explore, fostering a deep and comprehensive journey of self-discovery. This mission also extends to the wellness workshops I lead, where art becomes a powerful medium for holistic understanding, reflection, and healing.